
eqcorrscan.utils.pre_processing.multi_process(st, lowcut, highcut, filt_order, samp_rate, parallel=False, num_cores=False, starttime=None, endtime=None, daylong=False, seisan_chan_names=False, fill_gaps=True, ignore_length=False, ignore_bad_data=False)[source]

Apply standardised processing workflow to data for matched-filtering


  1. Check length and continuity of data meets user-defined criteria

  2. Fill remaining gaps in data with zeros and record gap positions

  3. Detrend data (using a simple linear detrend to set start and end to 0)

  4. Pad data to length

  5. Resample in the frequency domain

  6. Detrend data (using a simple linear detrend to set start and end to 0)

  7. Zerophase Butterworth filter

  8. Re-check length

  9. Re-apply zero-padding to gap locations recording in step 2 to remove filtering and resampling artefacts

  • st (obspy.core.Stream) – Stream to process

  • lowcut (float) – Lowcut of butterworth filter in Hz. If set to None and highcut is given a highpass filter will be applied. If both lowcut and highcut are given, a bandpass filter will be applied. If lowcut and highcut are both None, no filtering will be applied.

  • highcut (float) – Highcut of butterworth filter in Hz. If set to None and lowcut is given a lowpass filter will be applied. If both lowcut and highcut are given, a bandpass filter will be applied. If lowcut and highcut are both None, no filtering will be applied.

  • filt_order (int) – Filter order

  • samp_rate (float) – Desired sample rate of output data in Hz

  • parallel (bool) – Whether to process data in parallel (uses multi-threading)

  • num_cores (int) – Maximum number of cores to use for parallel processing

  • starttime (obspy.core.UTCDateTime) – Desired starttime of data

  • endtime (obspy.core.UTCDateTime) – Desired endtime of data

  • daylong (bool) – Whether data should be considered to be one-day long. Setting this will assume that your data should start as close to the start of a day as possible given the sampling.

  • seisan_chan_names (bool) – Whether to convert channel names to two-char seisan channel names

  • fill_gaps (bool) – Whether to fill-gaps in the data

  • ignore_length (bool) – Whether to ignore data that are not long enough.

  • ignore_bad_data (bool) – Whether to ignore data that are excessively gappy


Processed stream as obspy.core.Stream


Works in place on your data, copy before giving to this function if you want to reuse your input data.