Introduction to the EQcorrscan package ====================================== Supported environments ---------------------- We support Linux, OSX and Windows environments running Python 3.x. Functionality ------------- Within EQcorrscan you will find the core routines to generate templates (:doc:`template_gen `), compute cross-channel correlations from these templates (:doc:`match_filter `), generate cross-correlation corrected pick-times (:doc:`lag_calc `), and run subspace detection (:doc:`subspace `). .. _RunningTests: Running tests ------------- You can run tests yourself locally to ensure that everything runs as you would expect in your environment. Although we try to ensure that these tests run smoothly on all supported environments (using the ci bots), if you do find any issues, please let us know on the |github| page. .. |github| raw:: html github To run the tests you will need to have pytest installed along with a couple of extras (pytest-pep8 and pytest-cov). These can be installed by pip: .. code-block:: bash pip install pytest pytest-pep8 pytest-cov To test your installed version of EQcorrscan we provide a |test-script|. For version<=0.3.2 you should download the script and run it. In later versions this script is included in the package. .. |test-script| raw:: html test-script This test-script will download the test data and run the tests (you no longer have to clone the git repository). Just run (from anywhere): .. code-block:: bash Tests will take about half an hour to run (as of version 0.3.2) and will provide a coverage report at the end and notify you of any failures.