Source code for eqcorrscan.utils.findpeaks

"""Functions to find peaks in data above a certain threshold.

    EQcorrscan developers.

    GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 3
import ctypes
import random
import logging
import numpy as np

from multiprocessing import Pool, cpu_count
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
from scipy import ndimage

from eqcorrscan.utils.correlate import pool_boy
from eqcorrscan.utils.libnames import _load_cdll
from eqcorrscan.utils.clustering import dist_mat_km

Logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def is_prime(number):
    Function to test primality of a number. Function lifted from online

    This function is distributed under a separate licence:
        This article, along with any associated source code and files, is \
        licensed under The Code Project Open License (CPOL)

    :type number: int
    :param number: Integer to test for primality

    :returns: bool

    >>> is_prime(4)
    >>> is_prime(3)
    ''' if number != 1 '''
    if number > 1:
        ''' repeat the test few times '''
        for time in range(3):
            ''' Draw a RANDOM number in range of number ( Z_number )  '''
            randomNumber = random.randint(2, number - 1)
            ''' Test if a^(n-1) = 1 mod n '''
            if pow(randomNumber, number - 1, number) != 1:
                return False
        return True
        ''' case number == 1 '''
        return False

[docs] def find_peaks_compiled(arr, thresh, trig_int, full_peaks=False): """ Determine peaks in an array of data above a certain threshold. :type arr: numpy.ndarray :param arr: 1-D numpy array is required :type thresh: float :param thresh: The threshold below which will be considered noise and peaks will not be found in. :type trig_int: int :param trig_int: The minimum difference in samples between triggers, if multiple peaks within this window this code will find the highest. :type full_peaks: bool :param full_peaks: If True, will decluster within data-sections above the threshold, rather than just taking the peak within that section. This will take more time. This defaults to False for match_filter. :return: peaks: Lists of tuples of peak values and locations. :rtype: list """ if not np.any(np.abs(arr) > thresh): # Fast fail return [] if not full_peaks: peak_vals, peak_indices = _find_peaks_c(array=arr, threshold=thresh) else: peak_vals = arr peak_indices = np.arange(arr.shape[0]) peaks = [] if len(peak_vals) > 0: peaks = decluster( peaks=np.array(peak_vals), index=np.array(peak_indices), trig_int=trig_int + 1, threshold=thresh) peaks = sorted(peaks, key=lambda peak: peak[1], reverse=False) return peaks
[docs] def find_peaks2_short(arr, thresh, trig_int, full_peaks=False): """ Determine peaks in an array of data above a certain threshold. Uses a mask to remove data below threshold and finds peaks in what is left. :type arr: numpy.ndarray :param arr: 1-D numpy array is required :type thresh: float :param thresh: The threshold below which will be considered noise and peaks will not be found in. :type trig_int: int :param trig_int: The minimum difference in samples between triggers, if multiple peaks within this window this code will find the highest. :type full_peaks: bool :param full_peaks: If True will by decluster within data-sections above the threshold, rather than just taking the peak within that section. This will take more time. This defaults to False for match_filter. :return: peaks: Lists of tuples of peak values and locations. :rtype: list >>> import numpy as np >>> arr = np.random.randn(100) >>> threshold = 10 >>> arr[40] = 20 >>> arr[60] = 100 >>> find_peaks2_short(arr, threshold, 3) [(20.0, 40), (100.0, 60)] """ # Set everything below the threshold to zero image = np.copy(arr) Logger.debug("Threshold: {0}\tMax: {1}".format(thresh, max(image))) image[np.abs(image) < thresh] = 0 if len(image[np.abs(image) > thresh]) == 0: Logger.debug("No values over threshold {0}".format(thresh)) return [] if np.all(np.abs(arr) > thresh): Logger.debug("All values above threshold, running full peak finding") full_peaks = True Logger.debug('Found {0} samples above the threshold'.format( len(image[image > thresh]))) initial_peaks = [] # Find the peaks labeled_image, number_of_objects = ndimage.label(image) peak_slices = ndimage.find_objects(labeled_image) for peak_slice in peak_slices: window = arr[peak_slice[0].start: peak_slice[0].stop] if peak_slice[0].stop - peak_slice[0].start >= trig_int and full_peaks: window_peaks, window_peak_indexes = ([], []) for i in np.arange(peak_slice[0].start, peak_slice[0].stop): if i == peak_slice[0].start: prev_value = 0 else: prev_value = arr[i - 1] if i == peak_slice[0].stop - 1: next_value = 0 else: next_value = arr[i + 1] # Check for consistent sign - either both greater or # both smaller. if (next_value - arr[i]) * (prev_value - arr[i]) > 0: window_peaks.append(arr[i]) window_peak_indexes.append(i) peaks = decluster( peaks=np.array(window_peaks), trig_int=trig_int + 1, index=np.array(window_peak_indexes)) else: peaks = [(window[np.argmax(abs(window))], int(peak_slice[0].start + np.argmax(abs(window))))] initial_peaks.extend(peaks) peaks = decluster(peaks=np.array(list(zip(*initial_peaks))[0]), index=np.array(list(zip(*initial_peaks))[1]), trig_int=trig_int + 1) if initial_peaks: peaks = sorted(peaks, key=lambda time: time[1], reverse=False) return peaks else:'No peaks for you!') return []
[docs] def multi_find_peaks(arr, thresh, trig_int, parallel=True, full_peaks=False, cores=None, internal_func=find_peaks_compiled): """ Wrapper for find-peaks for multiple arrays. :type arr: numpy.ndarray :param arr: 2-D numpy array is required :type thresh: list :param thresh: The threshold below which will be considered noise and peaks will not be found in. One threshold per array. :type trig_int: int :param trig_int: The minimum difference in samples between triggers, if multiple peaks within this window this code will find the highest. :type parallel: bool :param parallel: Whether to compute in parallel or not - will use multiprocessing if not using the compiled internal_func :type full_peaks: bool :param full_peaks: See `eqcorrscan.utils.findpeaks.find_peaks2_short` :type cores: int :param cores: Maximum number of processes to spin up for parallel peak-finding :type internal_func: callable :param internal_func: Function to use for peak finding - defaults to the compiled version. :returns: List of list of tuples of (peak, index) in same order as input arrays """ peaks = [] if not parallel or cores == 1: for sub_arr, arr_thresh in zip(arr, thresh): peaks.append(internal_func( arr=sub_arr, thresh=arr_thresh, trig_int=trig_int, full_peaks=full_peaks)) else: if cores is None: cores = min(arr.shape[0], cpu_count()) if internal_func.__name__ != 'find_peaks_compiled': with pool_boy(Pool=Pool, traces=arr.shape[0], cores=cores) as pool: params = ((sub_arr, arr_thresh, trig_int, full_peaks) for sub_arr, arr_thresh in zip(arr, thresh)) results = [ pool.apply_async(internal_func, param) for param in params] peaks = [res.get() for res in results] else: to_run = ((arr[i], thresh[i], trig_int) for i in range(len(thresh))) with ThreadPoolExecutor(cores) as executor: results = lambda args: find_peaks_compiled(*args), to_run) peaks = [r for r in results] return peaks
def decluster_distance_time(peaks, index, trig_int, catalog, hypocentral_separation, threshold=0, num_threads=None): """ Decluster based on time between peaks, and distance between events. Peaks, index and catalog must all be sorted the same way, e.g. peak[i] corresponds to index[i] and catalog[i]. Peaks that are within the time threshold of one-another, but correspond to events separated by more than the hypocentral_separation threshold will not be removed. :type peaks: np.array :param peaks: array of peak values :type index: np.ndarray :param index: locations of peaks :type trig_int: int :param trig_int: Minimum trigger interval in samples :type catalog: obspy.core.event.Catalog :param catalog: Catalog of events with origins to use to measure inter-event distances :type hypocentral_separation: float :param hypocentral_separation: Maximum inter-event distance to decluster over in km :type threshold: float :param threshold: Minimum absolute peak value to retain it :type num_threads: int :param num_threads: Number of threads to use for distance matrix calculation. :return: list of tuples of (value, sample) """ utilslib = _load_cdll("libutils") length = peaks.shape[0] trig_int = int(trig_int) for var in [index.max(), trig_int]: if var == ctypes.c_long(var).value: long_type = ctypes.c_long func = utilslib.decluster_dist_time elif var == ctypes.c_longlong(var).value: long_type = ctypes.c_longlong func = utilslib.decluster_dist_time_ll else: raise OverflowError("Maximum index larger than internal long long") func.argtypes = [ np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(dtype=np.float32, shape=(length,), flags='C_CONTIGUOUS'), np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(dtype=long_type, shape=(length,), flags='C_CONTIGUOUS'), np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(dtype=np.float32, shape=(length * length,), flags='C_CONTIGUOUS'), long_type, ctypes.c_float, long_type, ctypes.c_float, np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(dtype=np.uint32, shape=(length,), flags='C_CONTIGUOUS')] func.restype = ctypes.c_int sorted_inds = np.abs(peaks).argsort() # Sort everything in the same way. arr = peaks[sorted_inds[::-1]] inds = index[sorted_inds[::-1]] sorted_events = [catalog[i] for i in sorted_inds[::-1]] distance_matrix = dist_mat_km( catalog=sorted_events, num_threads=num_threads) arr = np.ascontiguousarray(arr, dtype=np.float32) inds = np.ascontiguousarray(inds, dtype=long_type) distance_matrix = np.ascontiguousarray( distance_matrix.flatten(order="C"), dtype=np.float32) out = np.zeros(len(arr), dtype=np.uint32) ret = func( arr, inds, distance_matrix, long_type(length), np.float32(threshold), long_type(trig_int), hypocentral_separation, out) if ret != 0: raise MemoryError("Issue with c-routine, returned %i" % ret) peaks_out = list(zip(arr[out.astype(bool)], inds[out.astype(bool)])) return peaks_out
[docs] def decluster(peaks, index, trig_int, threshold=0): """ Decluster peaks based on an enforced minimum separation. :type peaks: np.array :param peaks: array of peak values :type index: np.ndarray :param index: locations of peaks :type trig_int: int :param trig_int: Minimum trigger interval in samples :type threshold: float :param threshold: Minimum absolute peak value to retain it. :return: list of tuples of (value, sample) """ utilslib = _load_cdll("libutils") length = peaks.shape[0] trig_int = int(trig_int) for var in [index.max(), trig_int]: if var == ctypes.c_long(var).value: long_type = ctypes.c_long func = utilslib.decluster elif var == ctypes.c_longlong(var).value: long_type = ctypes.c_longlong func = utilslib.decluster_ll else: raise OverflowError("Maximum index larger than internal long long") func.argtypes = [ np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(dtype=np.float32, shape=(length,), flags='C_CONTIGUOUS'), np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(dtype=long_type, shape=(length,), flags='C_CONTIGUOUS'), long_type, ctypes.c_float, long_type, np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(dtype=np.uint32, shape=(length,), flags='C_CONTIGUOUS')] func.restype = ctypes.c_int sorted_inds = np.abs(peaks).argsort() arr = peaks[sorted_inds[::-1]] inds = index[sorted_inds[::-1]] arr = np.ascontiguousarray(arr, dtype=np.float32) inds = np.ascontiguousarray(inds, dtype=long_type) out = np.zeros(len(arr), dtype=np.uint32) ret = func( arr, inds, long_type(length), np.float32(threshold), long_type(trig_int), out) if ret != 0: raise MemoryError("Issue with c-routine, returned %i" % ret) peaks_out = list(zip(arr[out.astype(bool)], inds[out.astype(bool)])) return peaks_out
def _find_peaks_c(array, threshold): """ Use a C func to find peaks in the array. """ utilslib = _load_cdll("libutils") length = array.shape[0] utilslib.find_peaks.argtypes = [ np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(dtype=np.float32, shape=(length, ), flags='C_CONTIGUOUS'), ctypes.c_long, ctypes.c_float, np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(dtype=np.uint32, shape=(length, ), flags='C_CONTIGUOUS')] utilslib.find_peaks.restype = ctypes.c_int arr = np.ascontiguousarray(array, np.float32) out = np.ascontiguousarray(np.zeros((length, ), dtype=np.uint32)) ret = utilslib.find_peaks(arr, ctypes.c_long(length), threshold, out) if ret != 0: raise MemoryError("Internal error") peaks_locations = np.nonzero(out) return array[peaks_locations], peaks_locations[0]
[docs] def coin_trig(peaks, stachans, samp_rate, moveout, min_trig, trig_int): """ Find network coincidence triggers within peaks of detection statistics. Useful for finding network detections from sets of detections on individual stations. :type peaks: list :param peaks: List of lists of tuples of (peak, index) for each \ station-channel. Index should be in samples. :type stachans: list :param stachans: List of tuples of (station, channel) in the order of \ peaks. :type samp_rate: float :param samp_rate: Sampling rate in Hz :type moveout: float :param moveout: Allowable network moveout in seconds. :type min_trig: int :param min_trig: Minimum station-channels required to declare a trigger. :type trig_int: float :param trig_int: Minimum allowable time between network triggers in seconds. :return: List of tuples of (peak, index), for the earliest detected station. :rtype: list >>> peaks = [[(0.5, 100), (0.3, 800)], [(0.4, 120), (0.7, 850)]] >>> triggers = coin_trig(peaks, [('a', 'Z'), ('b', 'Z')], 10, 3, 2, 1) >>> print(triggers) [(0.45, 100)] """ triggers = [] for stachan, _peaks in zip(stachans, peaks): for peak in _peaks: trigger = (peak[1], peak[0], '.'.join(stachan)) triggers.append(trigger) coincidence_triggers = [] for i, master in enumerate(triggers): slaves = triggers[i + 1:] coincidence = 1 trig_time = master[0] trig_val = master[1] for slave in slaves: if abs(slave[0] - master[0]) <= (moveout * samp_rate) and \ slave[2] != master[2]: coincidence += 1 if slave[0] < master[0]: trig_time = slave[0] trig_val += slave[1] if coincidence >= min_trig: coincidence_triggers.append((trig_val / coincidence, trig_time)) # Sort by trigger-value, largest to smallest - remove duplicate detections if coincidence_triggers: coincidence_triggers.sort(key=lambda tup: tup[0], reverse=True) output = [coincidence_triggers[0]] for coincidence_trigger in coincidence_triggers[1:]: add = True for peak in output: # If the event occurs within the trig_int time then do not add # it, and break out of the inner loop. if abs(coincidence_trigger[1] - peak[1]) < (trig_int * samp_rate): add = False break if add: output.append((coincidence_trigger[0], coincidence_trigger[1])) output.sort(key=lambda tup: tup[1]) return output else: return []
if __name__ == "__main__": import doctest doctest.testmod()