Source code for eqcorrscan.core.match_filter.detection

Functions for network matched-filter detection of seismic data.

Designed to cross-correlate templates generated by template_gen function
with data and output the detections.

    EQcorrscan developers.

    GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 3
import ast
import copy
import os
import logging

import numpy as np
from obspy import Catalog, UTCDateTime, Stream
from obspy.core.event import (
    Comment, WaveformStreamID, Event, Pick, CreationInfo, ResourceIdentifier,

from eqcorrscan.core.match_filter.helpers import _test_event_similarity
from eqcorrscan.utils.pre_processing import _stream_quick_select

Logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class Detection(object): """ Single detection from detection routines in eqcorrscan. Information required for a full detection based on cross-channel \ correlation sums. :type template_name: str :param template_name: The name of the template for which this detection was made. :type detect_time: obspy.core.utcdatetime.UTCDateTime :param detect_time: Time of detection as an obspy UTCDateTime object :type no_chans: int :param no_chans: The number of channels for which the cross-channel correlation sum was calculated over. :type detect_val: float :param detect_val: The raw value of the cross-channel correlation sum for this detection. :type threshold: float :param threshold: The value of the threshold used for this detection, will be the raw threshold value related to the cccsum. :type typeofdet: str :param typeofdet: Type of detection, STA, corr, bright :type threshold_type: str :param threshold_type: Type of threshold used for detection :type threshold_input: float :param threshold_input: Threshold set for detection, relates to `threshold` according to the `threshold_type`. :type chans: list :param chans: List of stations for the detection :type event: obspy.core.event.event.Event :param event: Obspy Event object for this detection, note that this is lost when writing to a :class:`Detection` objects to csv files using :func:`eqcorrscan.core.match_filter.Detection.write` :type id: str :param id: Identification for detection (should be unique). """ _precision = 1e-5 # Used for warning about out of range correlations
[docs] def __init__(self, template_name, detect_time, no_chans, detect_val, threshold, typeofdet, threshold_type, threshold_input, chans=None, event=None, id=None, strict=True): """Main class of Detection.""" self.template_name = template_name self.detect_time = detect_time self.no_chans = int(no_chans) if not isinstance(chans, list): self.chans = [chans] else: self.chans = chans self.detect_val = np.float32(detect_val) self.threshold = np.float32(threshold) self.typeofdet = typeofdet self.threshold_type = threshold_type self.threshold_input = threshold_input self.event = event if id is not None: = id else: = (''.join(template_name.split(' ')) + '_' + detect_time.strftime('%Y%m%d_%H%M%S%f')) if event is not None: event.resource_id = if self.typeofdet == 'corr': if abs(self.detect_val) > self.no_chans * (1 + self._precision): msg = (f"Correlation detection at {self.detect_val} exceeds " f"boundedness ({self.no_chans}") if strict: raise OverflowError(msg) else: Logger.error(msg)
def __repr__(self): """Simple print.""" print_str = ' '.join( ['template name =', self.template_name, '\n', 'detection id =',, '\n', 'detection time =', str(self.detect_time), '\n', 'number of channels =', str(self.no_chans), '\n', 'channels =', str(self.chans), '\n', 'detection value =', str(self.detect_val), '\n', 'threshold =', str(self.threshold), '\n', 'threshold type =', self.threshold_type, '\n', 'input threshold =', str(self.threshold_input), '\n', 'detection type =', str(self.typeofdet)]) return "Detection(" + print_str + ")" def __str__(self): """Full print.""" return ( "Detection on template: {0} at: {1} with {2} channels: {3}".format( self.template_name, self.detect_time, self.no_chans, self.chans)) def __eq__(self, other, verbose=False): for key in self.__dict__.keys(): self_is_event = isinstance(self.event, Event) other_is_event = isinstance(other.event, Event) if key == 'event': if self_is_event and other_is_event: if not _test_event_similarity( self.event, other.event, verbose=verbose): return False elif self_is_event and not other_is_event: return False elif not self_is_event and other_is_event: return False elif self.__dict__[key] != other.__dict__[key]: return False return True def __lt__(self, other): if self.detect_time < other.detect_time: return True else: return False def __le__(self, other): if self.detect_time <= other.detect_time: return True else: return False def __gt__(self, other): return not self.__le__(other) def __ge__(self, other): return not self.__lt__(other) def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other) def _print_str(self): return "{0}; {1}; {2}; {3}; {4}; {5}; {6}; {7}; {8}".format( self.template_name, self.detect_time, self.no_chans, self.chans, self.detect_val, self.threshold, self.threshold_type, self.threshold_input, self.typeofdet)
[docs] def copy(self): """ Returns a copy of the detection. :return: Copy of detection """ return copy.deepcopy(self)
[docs] def write(self, fname, append=True): """ Write detection to csv formatted file. Will append if append==True and file exists :type fname: str :param fname: Full path to file to open and write to. :type append: bool :param append: Set to true to append to an existing file, if True and file doesn't exist, will create new file and warn. If False will overwrite old files. """ mode = 'w' if append and os.path.isfile(fname): mode = 'a' header = '; '.join([ 'Template name', 'Detection time (UTC)', 'Number of channels', 'Channel list', 'Detection value', 'Threshold', 'Threshold type', 'Input threshold', 'Detection type']) with open(fname, mode) as _f: if mode == "w": _f.write(header + '\n') # Write a header for the file _f.write(self._print_str() + '\n')
def _calculate_event(self, template=None, template_st=None, estimate_origin=True, correct_prepick=True): """ Calculate an event for this detection using a given template. :type template: Template :param template: The template that made this detection :type template_st: `` :param template_st: Template stream, used to calculate pick times, not needed if template is given. :type estimate_origin: bool :param estimate_origin: Whether to include an estimate of the origin based on the template origin. :type correct_prepick: bool :param correct_prepick: Whether to apply the prepick correction defined in the template. Only applicable if template is not None .. rubric:: Note Works in place on Detection - over-writes previous events. Corrects for prepick if template given. """ if template is not None and != self.template_name:"Template names do not match: {0}: {1}".format(, self.template_name)) return # Detect time must be valid QuakeML uri within resource_id. # This will write a formatted string which is still # readable by UTCDateTime det_time = str(self.detect_time.strftime('%Y%m%dT%H%M%S.%f')) ev = Event(resource_id=ResourceIdentifier( id=self.template_name + '_' + det_time, prefix='smi:local')) ev.creation_info = CreationInfo( author='EQcorrscan', creation_time=UTCDateTime()) ev.comments.append( Comment(text="Template: {0}".format(self.template_name))) ev.comments.append( Comment(text='threshold={0}'.format(self.threshold))) ev.comments.append( Comment(text='detect_val={0}'.format(self.detect_val))) if self.chans is not None: ev.comments.append( Comment(text='channels used: {0}'.format( ' '.join([str(pair) for pair in self.chans])))) if template is not None: template_st = if correct_prepick: template_prepick = template.prepick else: template_prepick = 0 try: template_picks = template.event.picks except AttributeError: template_picks = [] else: template_prepick = 0 template_picks = [] min_template_tm = min( [tr.stats.starttime for tr in template_st]) for tr in template_st: if (tr.stats.station, \ not in self.chans: continue elif tr.stats.__contains__("not_in_original"): continue elif np.all(np.isnan( continue # The channel contains no data and was not used. else: pick_time = self.detect_time + ( tr.stats.starttime - min_template_tm) pick_time += template_prepick new_pick = Pick( time=pick_time, waveform_id=WaveformStreamID(, station_code=tr.stats.station,, location_code=tr.stats.location)) template_pick = [p for p in template_picks if p.waveform_id.get_seed_string() == new_pick.waveform_id.get_seed_string()] if len(template_pick) == 0: new_pick.phase_hint = None elif len(template_pick) == 1: new_pick.phase_hint = template_pick[0].phase_hint else: # Multiple picks for this trace in template # similar_traces = similar_traces = _stream_quick_select(template_st, similar_traces.sort() _index = similar_traces.traces.index(tr) try: new_pick.phase_hint = sorted( template_pick, key=lambda p: p.time)[_index].phase_hint except IndexError: Logger.error(f"No pick for trace: {}") ev.picks.append(new_pick) if estimate_origin and template is not None\ and template.event is not None: try: template_origin = (template.event.preferred_origin() or[0]) except IndexError: template_origin = None if template_origin: for pick in ev.picks: comparison_pick = [ p for p in template.event.picks if p.waveform_id.get_seed_string() == pick.waveform_id.get_seed_string()] comparison_pick = [p for p in comparison_pick if p.phase_hint == pick.phase_hint] if len(comparison_pick) > 0: break else: Logger.error("Could not compute relative origin: no picks") self.event = ev return origin_time = pick.time - ( comparison_pick[0].time - template_origin.time) # Calculate based on difference between pick and origin? _origin = Origin(ResourceIdentifier( id="EQcorrscan/{0}_{1}".format( self.template_name, det_time), prefix="smi:local"), time=origin_time, evaluation_mode="automatic", evaluation_status="preliminary", creation_info=CreationInfo( author='EQcorrscan', creation_time=UTCDateTime()), comments=[Comment( text="Origin automatically assigned based on template" " origin: use with caution.")], latitude=template_origin.latitude, longitude=template_origin.longitude, depth=template_origin.depth, time_errors=template_origin.time_errors, latitude_errors=template_origin.latitude_errors, longitude_errors=template_origin.longitude_errors, depth_errors=template_origin.depth_errors, depth_type=template_origin.depth_type, time_fixed=False, epicenter_fixed=template_origin.epicenter_fixed, reference_system_id=template_origin.reference_system_id, method_id=template_origin.method_id, earth_model_id=template_origin.earth_model_id, origin_type=template_origin.origin_type, origin_uncertainty=template_origin.origin_uncertainty, region=template_origin.region) = [_origin] self.event = ev return self
[docs] def extract_stream(self, stream, length, prepick, all_vert=False, all_horiz=False, vertical_chans=['Z'], horizontal_chans=['E', 'N', '1', '2']): """ Extract a cut stream of a given length around the detection. :type stream: `` :param stream: Stream of data to cut from :type length: float :param length: Length of data to extract in seconds. :type prepick: float :param prepick: Length before the expected pick on each channel to start the cut stream in seconds. :rtype: `` """ assert self.event, "Detection must have an event - use Detection._" \ "calculate_event()" cut_stream = Stream() valid_chans = { (tr.stats.station, for tr in stream}.intersection(set(self.chans)) for station, channel in valid_chans: _st =, channel=channel) pick = [ p for p in self.event.picks if p.waveform_id.station_code == station and p.waveform_id.channel_code[0:-1] == channel[0:-1]] # Allow picks to be transferred to other vertical/horizontal chans if all_vert and channel[-1] in vertical_chans: pick = [p for p in pick if p.waveform_id.channel_code[-1] in vertical_chans] elif all_horiz and channel[-1] in horizontal_chans: pick = [p for p in pick if p.waveform_id.channel_code[-1] in horizontal_chans] else: pick = [p for p in pick if p.waveform_id.channel_code == channel] if len(pick) == 0:"No pick for {0}.{1}".format(station, channel)) continue elif len(pick) > 1: "Multiple picks found for {0}.{1}, using earliest".format( station, channel)) pick.sort(key=lambda p: p.time) pick = pick[0] cut_start = pick.time - prepick cut_end = cut_start + length _st = _st.slice(starttime=cut_start, endtime=cut_end).copy() # Minimum length check for tr in _st: if abs((tr.stats.endtime - tr.stats.starttime) - length) < cut_stream += tr else: "Insufficient data length for {0}".format( return cut_stream
def write_detections(detections, fname, mode='a'): """ Write a list of detections to a file. :type detections: List of Detection :param detections: List of detection objects to write :type fname: str :param fname: Filename to write to :type mode: str :param mode: 'a' for append, or 'w' for write (will overwrite old files) """ assert mode in {"a", "w"} lines = [] if mode == "w" or not os.path.isfile(fname): lines.append('; '.join([ 'Template name', 'Detection time (UTC)', 'Number of channels', 'Channel list', 'Detection value', 'Threshold', 'Threshold type', 'Input threshold', 'Detection type'])) lines.extend([d._print_str() for d in detections]) lines = "\n".join(lines) lines += "\n" with open(fname, mode=mode) as f: f.write(lines)
[docs] def read_detections(fname, encoding="UTF8"): """ Read detections from a file to a list of Detection objects. :type fname: str :param fname: File to read from, must be a file written to by Detection.write. :type encoding: str :param encoding: Encoding used for detection file. :returns: list of :class:`eqcorrscan.core.match_filter.Detection` :rtype: list .. note:: :class:`eqcorrscan.core.match_filter.detection.Detection`'s returned do not contain Detection.event """ with open(fname, "rb") as _f: lines = detections = [] for index, line in enumerate(lines): if line.rstrip().split('; ')[0] == 'Template name': continue # Skip any repeated headers detection = line.rstrip().split('; ') detection[1] = UTCDateTime(detection[1]) detection[2] = int(float(detection[2])) detection[3] = ast.literal_eval(detection[3]) detection[4] = float(detection[4]) detection[5] = float(detection[5]) if len(detection) < 9: detection.extend(['Unset', float('NaN')]) else: detection[7] = float(detection[7]) detections.append(Detection( template_name=detection[0], detect_time=detection[1], no_chans=detection[2], detect_val=detection[4], threshold=detection[5], threshold_type=detection[6], threshold_input=detection[7], typeofdet=detection[8], chans=detection[3])) return detections
[docs] def write_catalog(detections, fname, format="QUAKEML"): """Write events contained within detections to a catalog file. :type detections: list :param detections: list of eqcorrscan.core.match_filter.Detection :type fname: str :param fname: Name of the file to write to :type format: str :param format: File format to use, see obspy.core.event.Catalog.write \ for supported formats. """ catalog = get_catalog(detections) catalog.write(filename=fname, format=format)
[docs] def get_catalog(detections): """ Generate an :class:`obspy.core.event.Catalog` from list of \ :class:`Detection`'s. :type detections: list :param detections: list of :class:`eqcorrscan.core.match_filter.Detection` :returns: Catalog of detected events. :rtype: :class:`obspy.core.event.Catalog` .. warning:: Will only work if the detections have an event associated with them. This will not be the case if detections have been written to csv format using :func:`eqcorrscan.core.match_filter.Detection.write` and read back in. """ catalog = Catalog() for detection in detections: if detection.event: catalog.append(detection.event) return catalog
if __name__ == "__main__": import doctest doctest.testmod()