Source code for eqcorrscan.utils.synth_seis

Early development functions to do **very** basic simulations of seismograms \
to be used as general matched-filter templates and see how well a simple \
model would fit with real data.  Mostly used in EQcorrscan for testing.

    EQcorrscan developers.

    GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 3
import numpy as np
import logging

from obspy import Stream, Trace, UTCDateTime

from eqcorrscan.utils import clustering

Logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] def seis_sim(sp, amp_ratio=1.5, flength=False, phaseout='all'): """ Generate a simulated seismogram from a given S-P time. Will generate spikes separated by a given S-P time, which are then convolved with a decaying sine function. The P-phase is simulated by a positive spike of value 1, the S-arrival is simulated by a decaying boxcar of maximum amplitude 1.5. These amplitude ratios can be altered by changing the amp_ratio, which is the ratio S amplitude:P amplitude. .. note:: In testing this can achieve 0.3 or greater cross-correlations with data. :type sp: int :param sp: S-P time in samples :type amp_ratio: float :param amp_ratio: S:P amplitude ratio :type flength: int :param flength: Fixed length in samples, defaults to False :type phaseout: str :param phaseout: Either 'P', 'S' or 'all', controls which phases to cut around, defaults to 'all'. Can only be used with 'P' or 'S' options if flength is set. :returns: Simulated data. :rtype: :class:`numpy.ndarray` """ if flength and 2.5 * sp < flength and 100 < flength: additional_length = flength elif 2.5 * sp < 100.0: additional_length = 100 else: additional_length = 2.5 * sp synth = np.zeros(int(sp + 10 + additional_length)) # Make the array begin 10 samples before the P # and at least 2.5 times the S-P samples after the S arrival synth[10] = 1.0 # P-spike fixed at 10 samples from start of window # The length of the decaying S-phase should depend on the SP time,\ # Some basic estimations suggest this should be atleast 10 samples\ # and that the coda should be about 1/10 of the SP time S_length = 10 + int(sp // 3) S_spikes = np.arange(amp_ratio, 0, -(amp_ratio / S_length)) # What we actually want, or what appears better is to have a series of\ # individual spikes, of alternating polarity... for i in range(len(S_spikes)): if i in np.arange(1, len(S_spikes), 2): S_spikes[i] = 0 if i in np.arange(2, len(S_spikes), 4): S_spikes[i] *= -1 # Put these spikes into the synthetic synth[10 + sp:10 + sp + len(S_spikes)] = S_spikes # Generate a rough damped sine wave to convolve with the model spikes sine_x = np.arange(0, 10.0, 0.5) damped_sine = np.exp(-sine_x) * np.sin(2 * np.pi * sine_x) # Convolve the spike model with the damped sine! synth = np.convolve(synth, damped_sine) # Normalize snyth synth = synth / np.max(np.abs(synth)) if not flength: return synth else: if phaseout in ['all', 'P']: synth = synth[0:flength] elif phaseout == 'S': synth = synth[sp:] if len(synth) < flength: # If this is too short, pad synth = np.append(synth, np.zeros(flength - len(synth))) else: synth = synth[0:flength] return synth
[docs] def SVD_sim(sp, lowcut, highcut, samp_rate, amp_range=np.arange(-10, 10, 0.01)): """ Generate basis vectors of a set of simulated seismograms. Inputs should have a range of S-P amplitude ratios, in theory to simulate \ a range of focal mechanisms. :type sp: int :param sp: S-P time in seconds - will be converted to samples according \ to samp_rate. :type lowcut: float :param lowcut: Low-cut for bandpass filter in Hz :type highcut: float :param highcut: High-cut for bandpass filter in Hz :type samp_rate: float :param samp_rate: Sampling rate in Hz :type amp_range: numpy.ndarray :param amp_range: Amplitude ratio range to generate synthetics for. :returns: set of output basis vectors :rtype: :class:`numpy.ndarray` """ # Convert SP to samples sp = int(sp * samp_rate) # Scan through a range of amplitude ratios synthetics = [Stream(Trace(seis_sim(sp, a))) for a in amp_range] for st in synthetics: for tr in st: tr.stats.station = 'SYNTH' = 'SH1' tr.stats.sampling_rate = samp_rate tr.filter('bandpass', freqmin=lowcut, freqmax=highcut) # We have a list of obspy Trace objects, we can pass this to EQcorrscan's # SVD functions U, s, V, stachans = clustering.svd(synthetics) return U, s, V, stachans
[docs] def template_grid(stations, nodes, travel_times, phase, PS_ratio=1.68, samp_rate=100, flength=False, phaseout='all'): """ Generate a group of synthetic seismograms for a grid of sources. Used to simulate phase arrivals from a grid of known sources in a three-dimensional model. Lags must be known and supplied, these can be generated from the bright_lights function: read_tt, and resampled to fit the desired grid dimensions and spacing using other functions therein. These synthetic seismograms are very simple models of seismograms using the seis_sim function herein. These approximate body-wave P and S first arrivals as spikes convolved with damped sine waves. :type stations: list :param stations: List of the station names :type nodes: list :param nodes: List of node locations in (lon,lat,depth) :type travel_times: numpy.ndarray :param travel_times: Array of travel times where travel_times[i][:] \ refers to the travel times for station=stations[i], and \ travel_times[i][j] refers to stations[i] for nodes[j] :type phase: str :param phase: Can be either 'P' or 'S' :type PS_ratio: float :param PS_ratio: P/S velocity ratio, defaults to 1.68 :type samp_rate: float :param samp_rate: Desired sample rate in Hz, defaults to 100.0 :type flength: int :param flength: Length of template in samples, defaults to False :type phaseout: str :param phaseout: Either 'S', 'P', 'all' or 'both', determines which \ phases to clip around. 'all' Encompasses both phases in one channel, \ but will return nothing if the flength is not long enough, 'both' \ will return two channels for each stations, one SYN_Z with the \ synthetic P-phase, and one SYN_H with the synthetic S-phase. :returns: List of :class:`` """ if phase not in ['S', 'P']: raise IOError('Phase is neither P nor S') # Initialize empty list for templates templates = [] # Loop through the nodes, for every node generate a template! for i, node in enumerate(nodes): st = [] # Empty list to be filled with synthetics # Loop through stations for j, station in enumerate(stations): tr = Trace() tr.stats.sampling_rate = samp_rate tr.stats.station = station = 'SYN' tt = travel_times[j][i] if phase == 'P': # If the input travel-time is the P-wave travel-time SP_time = (tt * PS_ratio) - tt if phaseout == 'S': tr.stats.starttime += tt + SP_time else: tr.stats.starttime += tt elif phase == 'S': # If the input travel-time is the S-wave travel-time SP_time = tt - (tt / PS_ratio) if phaseout == 'S': tr.stats.starttime += tt else: tr.stats.starttime += tt - SP_time # Set start-time of trace to be travel-time for P-wave # Check that the template length is long enough to include the SP if flength and SP_time * samp_rate < flength - 11 \ and phaseout == 'all': = seis_sim(sp=int(SP_time * samp_rate), amp_ratio=1.5, flength=flength, phaseout=phaseout) st.append(tr) elif flength and phaseout == 'all': Logger.warning('Cannot make a bulk synthetic with this fixed ' 'length for station ' + station) elif phaseout == 'all': = seis_sim(sp=int(SP_time * samp_rate), amp_ratio=1.5, flength=flength, phaseout=phaseout) st.append(tr) elif phaseout in ['P', 'S']: = seis_sim(sp=int(SP_time * samp_rate), amp_ratio=1.5, flength=flength, phaseout=phaseout) st.append(tr) elif phaseout == 'both': for _phaseout in ['P', 'S']: _tr = tr.copy() = seis_sim(sp=int(SP_time * samp_rate), amp_ratio=1.5, flength=flength, phaseout=_phaseout) if _phaseout == 'P': = 'SYN_Z' # starttime defaults to S-time _tr.stats.starttime = _tr.stats.starttime - SP_time elif _phaseout == 'S': = 'SYN_H' st.append(_tr) templates.append(Stream(st)) # Stream(st).plot(size=(800,600)) return templates
[docs] def generate_synth_data(nsta, ntemplates, nseeds, samp_rate, t_length, max_amp, max_lag, phaseout="all", jitter=0, noise=True, same_phase=False): """ Generate a synthetic dataset to be used for testing. This will generate both templates and data to scan through. Templates will be generated using the utils.synth_seis functions. The day of data will be random noise, with random signal-to-noise ratio copies of the templates randomly seeded throughout the day. It also returns the seed times and signal-to-noise ratios used. :type nsta: int :param nsta: Number of stations to generate data for < 15. :type ntemplates: int :param ntemplates: Number of templates to generate, will be generated \ with random arrival times. :type nseeds: int :param nseeds: Number of copies of the template to seed within the \ day of noisy data for each template. :type samp_rate: float :param samp_rate: Sampling rate to use in Hz :type t_length: float :param t_length: Length of templates in seconds. :type max_amp: float :param max_amp: Maximum signal-to-noise ratio of seeds. :param max_lag: Maximum lag time in seconds (randomised). :type max_lag: float :type jitter: int :param jitter: Random range to allow arrival shifts for seeded phases (samples) :type noise: bool :param noise: Set to False to give noise-free data. :type same_phase: bool :param same_phase: Whether to enforce all positive repeats (True) or not. :returns: Templates: List of :class:`` :rtype: list :returns: Data: :class:`` of seeded noisy data :rtype: :class:`` :returns: Seeds: dictionary of seed SNR and time with time in samples. :rtype: dict """ jitter = abs(jitter) # Generate random arrival times t_times = np.abs(np.random.random([nsta, ntemplates])) * max_lag # Generate random node locations - these do not matter as they are only # used for naming lats = np.random.random(ntemplates) * 90.0 lons = np.random.random(ntemplates) * 90.0 depths = np.abs(np.random.random(ntemplates) * 40.0) nodes = zip(lats, lons, depths) # Generating a 5x3 array to make 3 templates stations = ['ALPH', 'BETA', 'GAMM', 'KAPP', 'ZETA', 'BOB', 'MAGG', 'ALF', 'WALR', 'ALBA', 'PENG', 'BANA', 'WIGG', 'SAUS', 'MALC'] Logger.debug(nodes) Logger.debug(t_times) Logger.debug(stations[0:nsta]) templates = template_grid(stations=stations[0:nsta], nodes=nodes, travel_times=t_times, phase='S', samp_rate=samp_rate, flength=int(t_length * samp_rate), phaseout=phaseout) for template in templates: Logger.debug(template) # Now we want to create a day of synthetic data seeds = [] data = templates[0].copy() # Copy a template to get the correct length # and stats for data, we will overwrite the data on this copy for tr in data: = np.zeros(86400 * int(samp_rate)) # Set all the traces to have a day of zeros tr.stats.starttime = UTCDateTime(0) for i, template in enumerate(templates): impulses = np.zeros(86400 * int(samp_rate)) # Generate a series of impulses for seeding # Need three separate impulse traces for each of the three templates, # all will be convolved within the data though. impulse_times = np.random.randint(86400 * int(samp_rate), size=nseeds) impulse_amplitudes = np.random.randn(nseeds) * max_amp if same_phase: impulse_amplitudes = np.abs(impulse_amplitudes) # Generate amplitudes up to maximum amplitude in a normal distribution seeds.append({'SNR': impulse_amplitudes, 'time': impulse_times}) for j in range(nseeds): impulses[impulse_times[j]] = impulse_amplitudes[j] # We now have one vector of impulses, we need nsta numbers of them, # shifted with the appropriate lags mintime = min([template_tr.stats.starttime for template_tr in template]) for j, template_tr in enumerate(template): offset = int((template_tr.stats.starttime - mintime) * samp_rate) if jitter > 0: offset += np.random.randint(-jitter, jitter) pad = np.zeros(abs(offset)) if offset >= 0: tr_impulses = np.append(pad, impulses)[0:len(impulses)] elif offset < 0: tr_impulses = np.append(impulses, pad)[-len(impulses):] # Convolve this with the template trace to give the daylong seeds data[j].data += np.convolve( tr_impulses,[0:len(impulses)] # Add the noise if noise: for tr in data: noise_array = np.random.randn(86400 * int(samp_rate)) += noise_array / max(noise_array) return templates, data, seeds
if __name__ == "__main__": import doctest doctest.testmod()