Source code for eqcorrscan.utils.clustering

Functions to cluster seismograms by a range of constraints.

    EQcorrscan developers.

    GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 3
import os
import logging
import ctypes
from multiprocessing import cpu_count

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from obspy import Stream, Catalog, UTCDateTime, Trace
from scipy.cluster.hierarchy import linkage, dendrogram, fcluster
from scipy.spatial.distance import squareform

from eqcorrscan.utils import stacking
from eqcorrscan.utils.archive_read import read_data
from eqcorrscan.utils.correlate import (
    get_array_xcorr, get_stream_xcorr, CorrelationError)
from eqcorrscan.utils.pre_processing import _prep_data_for_correlation
from eqcorrscan.utils.libnames import _load_cdll

Logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] def cross_chan_correlation( st1, streams, shift_len=0.0, allow_individual_trace_shifts=True, xcorr_func='fftw', concurrency="concurrent", cores=1, **kwargs): """ Calculate cross-channel correlation. Determine the cross-channel correlation between two streams of multichannel seismic data. :type st1: :param st1: Stream one :type streams: list :param streams: Streams to compare to. :type shift_len: float :param shift_len: How many seconds for templates to shift :type allow_individual_trace_shifts: bool :param allow_individual_trace_shifts: Controls whether templates are shifted by shift_len in relation to the picks as a whole, or whether each trace can be shifted individually. Defaults to True. :type xcorr_func: str, callable :param xcorr_func: The method for performing correlations. Accepts either a string or callable. See :func:`eqcorrscan.utils.correlate.register_array_xcorr` for more details :type concurrency: str :param concurrency: Concurrency for xcorr-func. :type cores: int :param cores: Number of threads to parallel over :returns: cross channel correlation, float - normalized by number of channels. locations of maximums :rtype: numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray .. Note:: If no matching channels were found then the coherance and index for that stream will be nan. """ # Cut all channels in stream-list to be the correct length (shorter than # st1 if stack = False by shift_len). allow_individual_trace_shifts = ( allow_individual_trace_shifts and shift_len > 0) n_streams = len(streams) df = st1[0].stats.sampling_rate end_trim = int((shift_len * df) / 2) _streams = [] if end_trim > 0: for stream in streams: _stream = stream.copy() # Do not work on the users data for tr in _stream: =[end_trim: -end_trim] if tr.stats.sampling_rate != df: raise NotImplementedError("Sampling rates differ") _streams.append(_stream) streams = _streams else: # _prep_data_for_correlation works in place on data. # We need to copy it first. streams = [stream.copy() for stream in streams] # Check which channels are in st1 and match those in the stream_list st1_preped, prep_streams, stream_indexes = _prep_data_for_correlation( stream=st1.copy(), templates=streams, template_names=list(range(len(streams))), force_stream_epoch=False) # Run the correlations multichannel_normxcorr = get_stream_xcorr(xcorr_func, concurrency) [cccsums, no_chans, _] = multichannel_normxcorr( templates=prep_streams, stream=st1_preped, cores=cores, stack=False, **kwargs) # Find maximas, sum and divide by no_chans if allow_individual_trace_shifts: coherances = cccsums.max(axis=-1).sum(axis=-1) / no_chans else: cccsums = cccsums.sum(axis=1) coherances = cccsums.max(axis=-1) / no_chans # Subtract half length of correlogram and convert positions to seconds positions = (cccsums.argmax(axis=-1) - end_trim) / df # This section re-orders the coherences to correspond to the order of the # input streams _coherances = np.empty(n_streams) if allow_individual_trace_shifts: n_max_traces = max([len(st) for st in prep_streams]) # Set shifts for nan-traces to nan for i, tr in enumerate(st1_preped): if positions[:, i] = np.nan else: positions = positions[:, np.newaxis] n_max_traces = 1 n_shifts_per_stream = positions.shape[1] _positions = np.empty([n_streams, n_max_traces]) _coherances.fill(np.nan) _positions.fill(np.nan) # Insert the correlations and shifts at the correct index for the templates _coherances[np.ix_(stream_indexes)] = coherances _positions[np.ix_(stream_indexes, range(n_shifts_per_stream))] = ( positions) if not allow_individual_trace_shifts: # remove empty third axis from array _positions = _positions[:, ] return _coherances, _positions
def handle_distmat_nans(dist_mat, replace_nan_distances_with=None): """ Checks for nans and optionally fills missing correlations (nans) with a replacement value. :type dist_mat: np.ndarray :param dist_mag: Distance matrix. :type replace_nan_distances_with: None, 'mean', 'min', or float :param replace_nan_distances_with: Controls how the clustering handles nan-distances in the distance matrix. None/False only performs a check, while other choices (e.g., 1, 'mean', 'min' or float) replace nans in the distance matrix. :returns: Distance matrix. :type: np.ndarray """ missing_corrs = ~np.isfinite(dist_mat) missing_vals = np.full_like(dist_mat, fill_value=1) if not replace_nan_distances_with: if np.isnan(dist_mat).any(): raise CorrelationError( "The distance matrix contains nans, which may indicate that " + "some templates have no matching traces and can only be " + "indirectly linked via other templates. You should check " + " templates. Then you can try cluster() with " "replace_nan_distances_with=1") elif isinstance(replace_nan_distances_with, (int, float)): missing_vals = np.full_like( dist_mat, fill_value=replace_nan_distances_with) elif replace_nan_distances_with == 'mean': col_mean = np.nanmean(dist_mat, 0, keepdims=1) row_mean = np.nanmean(dist_mat, 1, keepdims=1) missing_vals = ((np.repeat(col_mean, len(row_mean), 0) + np.repeat(row_mean, len(col_mean), 1)) / 2) elif replace_nan_distances_with == 'min': col_min = np.nanmin(dist_mat, 0, keepdims=1) row_min = np.nanmin(dist_mat, 1, keepdims=1) missing_vals = np.minimum(((np.repeat(col_min, len(row_min), 0), np.repeat(row_min, len(col_min), 1)))) else: raise NotImplementedError( 'replace_nan_distances_with={} is not supported'.format( replace_nan_distances_with)) dist_mat = np.where(missing_corrs, missing_vals, dist_mat) assert np.allclose(dist_mat, dist_mat.T, atol=0.00001) # force perfect symmetry dist_mat = (dist_mat + dist_mat.T) / 2 return dist_mat
[docs] def distance_matrix(stream_list, shift_len=0.0, replace_nan_distances_with=None, allow_individual_trace_shifts=True, cores=1): """ Compute distance matrix for waveforms based on cross-correlations. Function to compute the distance matrix for all templates - will give distance as 1-abs(cccoh), e.g. a well correlated pair of templates will have small distances, and an equally well correlated reverse image will have the same distance as a positively correlated image - this is an issue. :type stream_list: list :param stream_list: List of the :class:`` to compute the distance matrix for :type shift_len: float :param shift_len: How many seconds for templates to shift :type allow_individual_trace_shifts: bool :param allow_individual_trace_shifts: Controls whether templates are shifted by shift_len in relation to the picks as a whole, or whether each trace can be shifted individually. Defaults to True. :type replace_nan_distances_with: None, 'mean', 'min', or float :param replace_nan_distances_with: Controls how the clustering handles nan-distances in the distance matrix. None/False only performs a check, while other choices (e.g., 1, 'mean', 'min' or float) replace nans in the distance matrix. :type cores: int :param cores: Number of cores to parallel process using, defaults to 1. :returns: - distance matrix (:py:class:`numpy.ndarray`) of size len(stream_list)**2 - shift matrix (:py:class:`numpy.ndarray`) containing shifts between traces of the sorted streams. Size is len(stream_list)**2 * x, where x is 1 for shift_len=0 and/or allow_individual_trace_shifts=False. Missing correlations are indicated by nans. - shift dict (:py:class:`dict`): dictionary of (template_id: trace_dict) where trace_dict contains ( shift matrix (size `len(stream_list)**2`) for .. warning:: Because distance is given as :math:`1-abs(coherence)`, negatively correlated and positively correlated objects are given the same distance. .. note:: Requires all traces to have the same sampling rate and same length. """ n_streams = len(stream_list) # May have to allow duplicate channels for P- and S-picks at each station stream_list = [st.sort() for st in stream_list] uniq_traces = set([ for st in stream_list for tr in st]) n_uniq_traces = len(uniq_traces) # Initialize square matrix dist_mat = np.zeros([n_streams, n_streams]) shift_mat = np.empty([n_streams, n_streams, n_uniq_traces]) shift_mat[:] = np.nan shift_dict = dict() for i, master in enumerate(stream_list): dist_list, shift_list = cross_chan_correlation( st1=master, streams=stream_list, shift_len=shift_len, allow_individual_trace_shifts=allow_individual_trace_shifts, xcorr_func='fftw', cores=cores) dist_mat[i] = 1 - dist_list master_ids = [ for tr in master] master_trace_indcs = [ j for j, tr_id in enumerate(uniq_traces) if tr_id in master_ids] # Sort computed shifts into shift-matrix. shift_list could contain a # nan-column that needs to be ignored here (only when earliest trace is # missing) shift_mat[np.ix_([i], list(range(n_streams)), master_trace_indcs)] = ( shift_list[:, ~np.all(np.isnan(shift_list), axis=0)]) # Add trace-id with corresponding shift-matrix to shift-dictionary shift_mat_list = [shift_mat[:, :, mti] for mti in master_trace_indcs] trace_shift_dict = dict(zip(master_ids, shift_mat_list)) shift_dict[i] = trace_shift_dict if shift_len == 0: dist_mat = handle_distmat_nans( dist_mat, replace_nan_distances_with=replace_nan_distances_with) else: # get the shortest distance for each correlation pair dist_mat_shortest = np.minimum(dist_mat, dist_mat.T) # Indicator says which matrix has shortest dist: value 0: mat2; 1: mat1 mat_indicator = dist_mat_shortest == dist_mat mat_indicator = np.repeat(mat_indicator[:, :, np.newaxis], n_uniq_traces, axis=2)[:, :] # Get shift for the shortest distances shift_mat = ( shift_mat * mat_indicator + np.transpose(shift_mat, [1, 0, 2]) * (1 - mat_indicator)) dist_mat = dist_mat_shortest # Squeeze matrix to 2 axis (ignore nans) if 3rd dimension not needed if shift_len == 0 or allow_individual_trace_shifts is False: shift_mat = np.nanmean(shift_mat, axis=2) np.fill_diagonal(dist_mat, 0) return dist_mat, shift_mat.squeeze(), shift_dict
[docs] def cluster(template_list, show=True, corr_thresh=0.3, shift_len=0, allow_individual_trace_shifts=True, save_corrmat=False, replace_nan_distances_with=None, cores='all', **kwargs): """ Cluster template waveforms based on average correlations. Function to take a set of templates and cluster them, will return groups as lists of streams. Clustering is done by computing the cross-channel correlation sum of each stream in stream_list with every other stream in the list. :mod:`scipy.cluster.hierarchy` functions are then used to compute the complete distance matrix, where distance is 1 minus the normalised cross-correlation sum such that larger distances are less similar events. Groups are then created by clustering the distance matrix at distances less than 1 - corr_thresh. When distance_matrix contains NaNs (event pairs that cannot be directly compared), then the mean correlation between templates is used instead of NaN (see Will compute the distance matrix in parallel, using all available cores. The method, metric, and order to compute linkage from the distance matrix can be controled with parameters from scipy.cluster.hierarchy.linkage as kwargs. :type template_list: list :param template_list: List of tuples of the template (:class:``) and the template id to compute clustering for :type show: bool :param show: plot linkage on screen if True, defaults to True :type corr_thresh: float :param corr_thresh: Cross-channel correlation threshold for grouping :type shift_len: float :param shift_len: How many seconds to allow the templates to shift :type allow_individual_trace_shifts: bool :param allow_individual_trace_shifts: Controls whether templates are shifted by shift_len in relation to the picks as a whole, or whether each trace can be shifted individually. Defaults to True. :type save_corrmat: bool :param save_corrmat: If True will save the distance matrix to dist_mat.npy in the local directory. :type replace_nan_distances_with: None, 'mean', 'min', or float :param replace_nan_distances_with: Controls how the clustering handles nan-distances in the distance matrix. None/False only performs a check, while other choices (e.g., 1, 'mean', 'min' or float) replace nans in the distance matrix. :type cores: int :param cores: number of cores to use when computing the distance matrix, defaults to 'all' which will work out how many cpus are available and hog them. :returns: List of groups. Each group is a list of :class:`` making up that group. """ if cores == 'all': num_cores = cpu_count() else: num_cores = cores # Extract only the Streams from stream_list stream_list = [x[0] for x in template_list] # Compute the distance matrix'Computing the distance matrix using %i cores' % num_cores) dist_mat, shift_mat, shift_dict = distance_matrix( stream_list=stream_list, shift_len=shift_len, cores=num_cores, replace_nan_distances_with=replace_nan_distances_with, allow_individual_trace_shifts=allow_individual_trace_shifts) if save_corrmat:'dist_mat.npy', dist_mat)'Saved the distance matrix as dist_mat.npy') dist_mat = handle_distmat_nans( dist_mat, replace_nan_distances_with=replace_nan_distances_with) dist_vec = squareform(dist_mat)'Computing linkage') Z = linkage(dist_vec, **kwargs) if show:'Plotting the dendrogram') dendrogram(Z, color_threshold=1 - corr_thresh, distance_sort='ascending') # Get the indices of the groups'Clustering') indices = fcluster(Z, t=1 - corr_thresh, criterion='distance') # Indices start at 1... group_ids = list(set(indices)) # Unique list of group ids' '.join(['Found', str(len(group_ids)), 'groups'])) # Convert to tuple of (group id, stream id) indices = [(indices[i], i) for i in range(len(indices))] # Sort by group id indices.sort(key=lambda tup: tup[0]) groups = []'Extracting and grouping') for group_id in group_ids: group = [] for ind in indices: if ind[0] == group_id: group.append(template_list[ind[1]]) elif ind[0] > group_id: # Because we have sorted by group id, when the index is greater # than the group_id we can break the inner loop. # Patch applied by CJC 05/11/2015 groups.append(group) break # Catch the final group groups.append(group) return groups
[docs] def group_delays(stream_list): """ Group template waveforms according to their arrival times (delays). :type stream_list: list :param stream_list: List of :class:`` waveforms you want to group. :returns: list of List of :class:`` where each initial list is a group with the same delays. :rtype: list """ groups = [] group_delays = [] group_chans = [] # Sort templates by number of channels stream_list = [(st, len(st)) for st in stream_list] stream_list.sort(key=lambda tup: tup[1]) stream_list = [st[0] for st in stream_list] for i, st in enumerate(stream_list): msg = ' '.join(['Working on waveform', str(i), 'of', str(len(stream_list))]) # Calculate the delays starttimes = [] chans = [] for tr in st: starttimes.append(tr.stats.starttime) chans.append((tr.stats.station, # This delays calculation will be an issue if we # have changes in channels delays = [starttimes[m] - min(starttimes) for m in range(len(starttimes))] delays = [round(d, 2) for d in delays] if len(groups) == 0: groups.append([stream_list[i]]) group_delays.append(delays) group_chans.append(chans) else: j = 0 match = False while not match: kmatch = 0 # Find the set of shared stations and channels shared_chans = [] shared_delays_slave = [] shared_delays_master = [] for k, chan in enumerate(chans): if chan in group_chans[j]: shared_chans.append(chan) shared_delays_slave.append(delays[k]) shared_delays_master. \ append(group_delays[j][group_chans[j].index(chan)]) # Normalize master and slave delay times shared_delays_slave = [delay - min(shared_delays_slave) for delay in shared_delays_slave] shared_delays_master = [delay - min(shared_delays_master) for delay in shared_delays_master] for k in range(len(shared_chans)): # Check if the channel and delay match another group if shared_delays_slave[k] == shared_delays_master[k]: kmatch += 1 # increase the match index if kmatch == len(shared_chans): # If all the channels match, add it to the group groups[j].append(stream_list[i]) match = True elif j < len(groups) - 1: j += 1 else: # Create a new group and break the loop groups.append([stream_list[i]]) group_delays.append(delays) group_chans.append(chans) match = True # Use this to break the loop return groups
[docs] def svd(stream_list, full=False): """ Compute the SVD of a number of templates. Returns the singular vectors and singular values of the templates. :type stream_list: List of :class: obspy.Stream :param stream_list: List of the templates to be analysed :type full: bool :param full: Whether to compute the full input vector matrix or not. :return: SValues(list) for each channel, SVectors(list of ndarray), \ UVectors(list of ndarray) for each channel, \ stachans, List of String ( .. note:: We recommend that you align the data before computing the \ SVD, e.g., the P-arrival on all templates for the same channel \ should appear at the same time in the trace. See the \ stacking.align_traces function for a way to do this. .. note:: Uses the numpy.linalg.svd function, their U, s and V are mapped \ to UVectors, SValues and SVectors respectively. Their V (and ours) \ corresponds to V.H. """ # Convert templates into ndarrays for each channel # First find all unique channels: stachans = list(set([(tr.stats.station, for st in stream_list for tr in st])) stachans.sort() # Initialize a list for the output matrices, one matrix per-channel svalues = [] svectors = [] uvectors = [] for stachan in stachans: lengths = [] for st in stream_list: tr =[0], channel=stachan[1]) if len(tr) > 0: tr = tr[0] else: Logger.warning('Stream does not contain %s' % '.'.join(list(stachan))) continue lengths.append(len( min_length = min(lengths) for stream in stream_list: chan =[0], channel=stachan[1]) if chan: if len(chan[0].data) > min_length: if abs(len(chan[0].data) - min_length) > 0.1 * \ chan[0].stats.sampling_rate: raise IndexError('More than 0.1 s length ' 'difference, align and fix') Logger.warning('Channels are not equal length, trimming') chan[0].data = chan[0].data[0:min_length] if 'chan_mat' not in locals(): chan_mat = chan[0].data else: chan_mat = np.vstack((chan_mat, chan[0].data)) if not len(chan_mat.shape) > 1: Logger.warning('Matrix of traces is less than 2D for %s' % '.'.join(list(stachan))) continue # Be sure to transpose chan_mat as waveforms must define columns chan_mat = np.asarray(chan_mat) u, s, v = np.linalg.svd(chan_mat.T, full_matrices=full) svalues.append(s) svectors.append(v) uvectors.append(u) del (chan_mat) return uvectors, svalues, svectors, stachans
[docs] def empirical_svd(stream_list, linear=True): """ Empirical subspace detector generation function. Takes a list of templates and computes the stack as the first order subspace detector, and the differential of this as the second order subspace detector following the empirical subspace method of `Barrett & Beroza, 2014 - SRL <>`_. :type stream_list: list :param stream_list: list of streams to compute the subspace detectors from, where streams are :class:`` objects. :type linear: bool :param linear: Set to true by default to compute the linear stack as the \ first subspace vector, False will use the phase-weighted stack as the \ first subspace vector. :returns: list of two :class:`` s """ # Run a check to ensure all traces are the same length stachans = list(set([(tr.stats.station, for st in stream_list for tr in st])) for stachan in stachans: lengths = [] for st in stream_list: lengths.append(len([0], channel=stachan[1])[0])) min_length = min(lengths) for st in stream_list: tr =[0], channel=stachan[1])[0] if len( > min_length: sr = tr.stats.sampling_rate if abs(len( - min_length) > (0.1 * sr): msg = 'More than 0.1 s length difference, align and fix' raise IndexError(msg) msg = ' is not the same length as others, trimming the end' Logger.warning(str(tr) + msg) =[0:min_length] if linear: first_subspace = stacking.linstack(stream_list) else: first_subspace = stacking.PWS_stack(streams=stream_list) second_subspace = first_subspace.copy() for i in range(len(second_subspace)): second_subspace[i].data = np.diff(second_subspace[i].data) delta = second_subspace[i] second_subspace[i].stats.starttime += 0.5 * delta return [first_subspace, second_subspace]
[docs] def svd_to_stream(uvectors, stachans, k, sampling_rate): """ Convert the singular vectors output by SVD to streams. One stream will be generated for each singular vector level, for all channels. Useful for plotting, and aiding seismologists thinking of waveforms! :type svectors: list :param svectors: List of :class:`numpy.ndarray` Singular vectors :type stachans: list :param stachans: List of Strings :type k: int :param k: Number of streams to return = number of SV's to include :type sampling_rate: float :param sampling_rate: Sampling rate in Hz :returns: svstreams, List of :class:``, with svStreams[0] being composed of the highest rank singular vectors. """ svstreams = [] for i in range(k): svstream = [] for j, stachan in enumerate(stachans): if len(uvectors[j]) <= k: Logger.warning('Too few traces at %s for a %02d dimensional ' 'subspace. Detector streams will not include ' 'this channel.' % ('.'.join(stachan[0], stachan[1]), k)) else: svstream.append(Trace(uvectors[j][i], header={'station': stachan[0], 'channel': stachan[1], 'sampling_rate': sampling_rate})) svstreams.append(Stream(svstream)) return svstreams
[docs] def corr_cluster(trace_list, thresh=0.9): """ Group traces based on correlations above threshold with the stack. Will run twice, once with 80% of threshold threshold to remove large outliers that would negatively affect the stack, then again with your threshold. :type trace_list: list :param trace_list: List of :class:`` to compute similarity between :type thresh: float :param thresh: Correlation threshold between -1-1 :returns: :class:`numpy.ndarray` of bool of whether that trace correlates well enough (above your given threshold) with the stack. .. note:: We recommend that you align the data before computing the clustering, e.g., the P-arrival on all templates for the same channel should appear at the same time in the trace. See the :func:`eqcorrscan.utils.stacking.align_traces` function for a way to do this. """ init_thresh = thresh * .8 stack = stacking.linstack([Stream(tr) for tr in trace_list])[0] output = np.array([False] * len(trace_list)) group1 = [] array_xcorr = get_array_xcorr() for i, tr in enumerate(trace_list): cc = array_xcorr(np.array([]),, [0])[0][0][0] if cc > init_thresh: output[i] = True group1.append(tr) if len(group1) == 0: Logger.warning('Nothing made it past the first 80% threshold') return output stack = stacking.linstack([Stream(tr) for tr in group1])[0] group2 = [] for i, tr in enumerate(trace_list): if array_xcorr( np.array([]),, [0])[0][0][0] > thresh: group2.append(tr) output[i] = True else: output[i] = False return output
[docs] def extract_detections(detections, templates, archive, arc_type, extract_len=90.0, outdir=None, extract_Z=True, additional_stations=[]): """ Extract waveforms associated with detections Takes a list of detections for the template, template. Waveforms will be returned as a list of :class:`` containing segments of extract_len. They will also be saved if outdir is set. The default is unset. The default extract_len is 90 seconds per channel. :type detections: list :param detections: List of :class:`eqcorrscan.core.match_filter.Detection`. :type templates: list :param templates: A list of tuples of the template name and the template Stream used to detect detections. :type archive: str :param archive: Either name of archive or path to continuous data, see :func:`eqcorrscan.utils.archive_read` for details :type arc_type: str :param arc_type: Type of archive, either FDSN, day_vols :type extract_len: float :param extract_len: Length to extract around the detection (will be equally cut around the detection time) in seconds. Default is 90.0. :type outdir: str :param outdir: Default is None, with None set, no files will be saved, if set each detection will be saved into this directory with files named according to the detection time, NOT than the waveform start time. Detections will be saved into template subdirectories. Files written will be multiplexed miniseed files, the encoding will be chosen automatically and will likely be float. :type extract_Z: bool :param extract_Z: Set to True to also extract Z channels for detections delays will be the same as horizontal channels, only applies if only horizontal channels were used in the template. :type additional_stations: list :param additional_stations: List of tuples of (station, channel) to also extract data for using an average delay. :returns: list of :class:`obspy.core.streams.Stream` :rtype: list .. rubric: Example >>> from eqcorrscan.utils.clustering import extract_detections >>> from eqcorrscan.core.match_filter import Detection >>> from obspy import read, UTCDateTime >>> # Get the path to the test data >>> import eqcorrscan >>> import os >>> TEST_PATH = os.path.dirname(eqcorrscan.__file__) + '/tests/test_data' >>> # Use some dummy detections, you would use real one >>> detections = [Detection( ... template_name='temp1', detect_time=UTCDateTime(2012, 3, 26, 9, 15), ... no_chans=2, chans=['WHYM', 'EORO'], detect_val=2, threshold=1.2, ... typeofdet='corr', threshold_type='MAD', threshold_input=8.0), ... Detection( ... template_name='temp2', detect_time=UTCDateTime(2012, 3, 26, 18, 5), ... no_chans=2, chans=['WHYM', 'EORO'], detect_val=2, threshold=1.2, ... typeofdet='corr', threshold_type='MAD', threshold_input=8.0)] >>> archive = os.path.join(TEST_PATH, 'day_vols') >>> template_files = [os.path.join(TEST_PATH, ''), ... os.path.join(TEST_PATH, '')] >>> templates = [('temp' + str(i), read(filename)) ... for i, filename in enumerate(template_files)] >>> extracted = extract_detections(detections, templates, ... archive=archive, arc_type='day_vols') >>> print(extracted[0].sort()) 2 Trace(s) in Stream: AF.EORO..SHZ | 2012-03-26T09:14:15.000000Z - 2012-03-26T09:15:45.000000Z |\ 1.0 Hz, 91 samples AF.WHYM..SHZ | 2012-03-26T09:14:15.000000Z - 2012-03-26T09:15:45.000000Z |\ 1.0 Hz, 91 samples >>> print(extracted[1].sort()) 2 Trace(s) in Stream: AF.EORO..SHZ | 2012-03-26T18:04:15.000000Z - 2012-03-26T18:05:45.000000Z |\ 1.0 Hz, 91 samples AF.WHYM..SHZ | 2012-03-26T18:04:15.000000Z - 2012-03-26T18:05:45.000000Z |\ 1.0 Hz, 91 samples >>> # Extract from stations not included in the detections >>> extracted = extract_detections( ... detections, templates, archive=archive, arc_type='day_vols', ... additional_stations=[('GOVA', 'SHZ')]) >>> print(extracted[0].sort()) 3 Trace(s) in Stream: AF.EORO..SHZ | 2012-03-26T09:14:15.000000Z - 2012-03-26T09:15:45.000000Z |\ 1.0 Hz, 91 samples AF.GOVA..SHZ | 2012-03-26T09:14:15.000000Z - 2012-03-26T09:15:45.000000Z |\ 1.0 Hz, 91 samples AF.WHYM..SHZ | 2012-03-26T09:14:15.000000Z - 2012-03-26T09:15:45.000000Z |\ 1.0 Hz, 91 samples >>> # The detections can be saved to a file: >>> extract_detections(detections, templates, archive=archive, ... arc_type='day_vols', ... additional_stations=[('GOVA', 'SHZ')], outdir='.') """ # Sort the template according to start-times, needed so that stachan[i] # corresponds to delays[i] all_delays = [] # List of tuples of template name, delays all_stachans = [] for template in templates: templatestream = template[1].sort(['starttime']) stachans = [(tr.stats.station, for tr in templatestream] mintime = templatestream[0].stats.starttime delays = [tr.stats.starttime - mintime for tr in templatestream] all_delays.append((template[0], delays)) all_stachans.append((template[0], stachans)) # Sort the detections and group by day detections.sort(key=lambda d: d.detect_time) detection_days = [ for detection in detections] detection_days = list(set(detection_days)) detection_days.sort() detection_days = [UTCDateTime(d) for d in detection_days] # Initialize output list detection_wavefiles = [] # Also include Z channels when extracting detections if extract_Z: new_all_stachans = [] new_all_delays = [] for t, template in enumerate(all_stachans): stachans = template[1] delays = all_delays[t][1] new_stachans = [] new_delays = [] j = 0 for i, stachan in enumerate(stachans): if j == 1: new_stachans.append((stachan[0], stachan[1][0] + 'Z')) new_delays.append(delays[i]) new_stachans.append(stachan) new_delays.append(delays[i]) j = 0 else: new_stachans.append(stachan) new_delays.append(delays[i]) j += 1 new_all_stachans.append((template[0], new_stachans)) new_all_delays.append((template[0], new_delays)) all_delays = new_all_delays all_stachans = new_all_stachans if not len(additional_stations) == 0:'Adding additional stations') for t, template in enumerate(all_stachans): av_delay = np.mean(all_delays[t][1]) for sta in additional_stations: if sta not in template[1]:'Added station ' + '.'.join(sta)) template[1].append(sta) all_delays[t][1].append(av_delay) del stachans # Loop through the days for detection_day in detection_days:'Working on detections for day: ' + str(detection_day)) stachans = list(set([stachans[1] for stachans in all_stachans][0])) # List of all unique stachans - read in all data st = read_data(archive=archive, arc_type=arc_type, day=detection_day, stachans=stachans) st.merge(fill_value='interpolate') day_detections = [detection for detection in detections if UTCDateTime( == detection_day] del stachans, delays for detection in day_detections: 'Cutting for detections at: ' + detection.detect_time.strftime('%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S')) detect_wav = st.copy() for tr in detect_wav: t1 = UTCDateTime(detection.detect_time) - extract_len / 2 t2 = UTCDateTime(detection.detect_time) + extract_len / 2 tr.trim(starttime=t1, endtime=t2) if outdir: if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(outdir, detection.template_name)): os.makedirs(os.path.join(outdir, detection.template_name)) detect_wav.write(os.path.join(outdir, detection.template_name, detection.detect_time. strftime('%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S') + '.ms'), format='MSEED') 'Written file: %s' % '/'.join( [outdir, detection.template_name, detection.detect_time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S') + '.ms'])) if not outdir: detection_wavefiles.append(detect_wav) del detect_wav del st if outdir: detection_wavefiles = [] if not outdir: return detection_wavefiles else: return
def remove_unclustered(catalog, distance_cutoff, num_threads=None): """ Remove events in catalog which do not have any other nearby events. :type catalog: obspy.core.event.Catalog :param catalog: Catalog for which to compute the distance matrix :type distance_cutoff: float :param distance_cutoff: Cutoff for considering events unclustered in km :returns: catalog :rtype: :class:`obspy.core.event.Catalog` """ from math import radians utilslib = _load_cdll('libutils') utilslib.remove_unclustered.argtypes = [ np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(dtype=np.float32, flags='C_CONTIGUOUS'), np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(dtype=np.float32, flags='C_CONTIGUOUS'), np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(dtype=np.float32, flags='C_CONTIGUOUS'), ctypes.c_long, np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(dtype=np.uint8, flags='C_CONTIGUOUS'), ctypes.c_float, ctypes.c_int] utilslib.remove_unclustered.restype = ctypes.c_int # Initialize square matrix mask = np.ascontiguousarray(np.zeros(len(catalog), dtype=np.uint8)) latitudes, longitudes, depths = ( np.empty(len(catalog), dtype=np.float32), np.empty(len(catalog), dtype=np.float32), np.empty(len(catalog), dtype=np.float32)) for i, event in enumerate(catalog): origin = event.preferred_origin() or[0] latitudes[i] = radians(origin.latitude) longitudes[i] = radians(origin.longitude) depths[i] = origin.depth / 1000 depths = np.ascontiguousarray(depths, dtype=np.float32) latitudes = np.ascontiguousarray(latitudes, dtype=np.float32) longitudes = np.ascontiguousarray(longitudes, dtype=np.float32) if num_threads is None: # Testing showed that 400 events per thread was best on the i7. num_threads = int(min(cpu_count(), len(catalog) // 400)) if num_threads == 0: num_threads = 1 ret = utilslib.remove_unclustered( latitudes, longitudes, depths, len(catalog), mask, distance_cutoff, num_threads) if ret != 0: # pragma: no cover raise Exception("Internal error while computing distance matrix") _events = [] for i, event in enumerate( if mask[i]: _events.append(event) = _events return catalog
[docs] def dist_mat_km(catalog, num_threads=None): """ Compute the distance matrix for a catalog using hypocentral separation. Will give physical distance in kilometers. :type catalog: obspy.core.event.Catalog :param catalog: Catalog for which to compute the distance matrix :returns: distance matrix :rtype: :class:`numpy.ndarray` """ utilslib = _load_cdll('libutils') utilslib.distance_matrix.argtypes = [ np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(dtype=np.float32, flags='C_CONTIGUOUS'), np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(dtype=np.float32, flags='C_CONTIGUOUS'), np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(dtype=np.float32, flags='C_CONTIGUOUS'), ctypes.c_long, np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(dtype=np.float32, flags='C_CONTIGUOUS'), ctypes.c_int] utilslib.distance_matrix.restype = ctypes.c_int # Initialize square matrix dist_mat = np.zeros((len(catalog), len(catalog)), dtype=np.float32) latitudes, longitudes, depths = ( np.empty(len(catalog)), np.empty(len(catalog)), np.empty(len(catalog))) for i, event in enumerate(catalog): origin = event.preferred_origin() or[0] latitudes[i] = origin.latitude longitudes[i] = origin.longitude depths[i] = origin.depth / 1000 depths = np.ascontiguousarray(depths, dtype=np.float32) latitudes = np.ascontiguousarray(np.radians(latitudes), dtype=np.float32) longitudes = np.ascontiguousarray(np.radians(longitudes), dtype=np.float32) if num_threads is None: # Testing showed that 400 events per thread was best on the i7. num_threads = int(min(cpu_count(), len(catalog) // 400)) if num_threads == 0: num_threads = 1 ret = utilslib.distance_matrix( latitudes, longitudes, depths, len(catalog), dist_mat, num_threads) if ret != 0: # pragma: no cover raise Exception("Internal error while computing distance matrix") # Fill distance matrix out = dist_mat.T + dist_mat return out
def dist_mat_time(catalog): """ Compute the distance matrix for all a catalog using origin-time difference. Will give temporal separation in seconds. :type catalog: obspy.core.event.Catalog :param catalog: Catalog for which to compute the distance matrix :returns: distance matrix :rtype: :class:`numpy.ndarray` """ # Initialize square matrix dist_mat = np.array([np.array([0.0] * len(catalog))] * len(catalog)) # Calculate distance vector for each event for i, master in enumerate(catalog): mast_list = [] if master.preferred_origin(): master_ori = master.preferred_origin() else: master_ori =[-1] for slave in catalog: if slave.preferred_origin(): slave_ori = slave.preferred_origin() else: slave_ori =[-1] mast_list.append(abs(master_ori.time - slave_ori.time)) # Sort the list into the dist_mat structure for j in range(i, len(catalog)): dist_mat[i, j] = mast_list[j] # Reshape the distance matrix for i in range(1, len(catalog)): for j in range(i): dist_mat[i, j] = dist_mat.T[i, j] return dist_mat def space_cluster(catalog, d_thresh, show=True): """ Cluster a catalog by distance only. DEPRECEATED - use catalog_cluster Will compute the matrix of physical distances between events and utilize the :mod:`scipy.clustering.hierarchy` module to perform the clustering. :type catalog: obspy.core.event.Catalog :param catalog: Catalog of events to clustered :type d_thresh: float :param d_thresh: Maximum inter-event distance threshold :returns: list of :class:`obspy.core.event.Catalog` objects :rtype: list """ Logger.warning( "Depreciated, use `catalog_cluster` with `metric='distance'`") return catalog_cluster(catalog=catalog, thresh=d_thresh, metric="distance", show=show)
[docs] def catalog_cluster(catalog, thresh, metric="distance", show=True): """ Cluster a catalog by distance only. Will compute the matrix of physical distances between events and utilize the :mod:`scipy.clustering.hierarchy` module to perform the clustering. :type catalog: obspy.core.event.Catalog :param catalog: Catalog of events to clustered :type thresh: float :param thresh: Maximum separation, either in km (`metric="distance"`) or in seconds (`metric="time"`) :type metric: str :param metric: Either "distance" or "time" :returns: list of :class:`obspy.core.event.Catalog` objects :rtype: list >>> from eqcorrscan.utils.clustering import catalog_cluster >>> from obspy.clients.fdsn import Client >>> from obspy import UTCDateTime >>> client = Client("NCEDC") >>> starttime = UTCDateTime("2002-01-01") >>> endtime = UTCDateTime("2002-02-01") >>> cat = client.get_events(starttime=starttime, endtime=endtime, ... minmagnitude=2) >>> groups = catalog_cluster(catalog=cat, thresh=2, show=False) >>> from eqcorrscan.utils.clustering import catalog_cluster >>> from obspy.clients.fdsn import Client >>> from obspy import UTCDateTime >>> client = Client("") >>> starttime = UTCDateTime("2002-01-01") >>> endtime = UTCDateTime("2002-02-01") >>> cat = client.get_events(starttime=starttime, endtime=endtime, ... minmagnitude=6) >>> groups = catalog_cluster(catalog=cat, thresh=1000, metric="time", ... show=False) """ # Compute the distance matrix and linkage if metric == "distance": dist_mat = dist_mat_km(catalog) elif metric == "time": dist_mat = dist_mat_time(catalog) else: raise NotImplementedError("Only supports distance and time metrics") dist_vec = squareform(dist_mat) Z = linkage(dist_vec, method='average') # Cluster the linkage using the given threshold as the cutoff indices = fcluster(Z, t=thresh, criterion='distance') group_ids = list(set(indices)) indices = [(indices[i], i) for i in range(len(indices))] if show: # Plot the dendrogram...if it's not way too huge dendrogram(Z, color_threshold=thresh, distance_sort='ascending') # Sort by group id indices.sort(key=lambda tup: tup[0]) groups = [] for group_id in group_ids: group = Catalog() for ind in indices: if ind[0] == group_id: group.append(catalog[ind[1]]) elif ind[0] > group_id: # Because we have sorted by group id, when the index is greater # than the group_id we can break the inner loop. # Patch applied by CJC 05/11/2015 groups.append(group) break groups.append(group) return groups
[docs] def space_time_cluster(catalog, t_thresh, d_thresh): """ Cluster detections in space and time. Use to separate repeaters from other events. Clusters by distance first, then removes events in those groups that are at different times. :type catalog: obspy.core.event.Catalog :param catalog: Catalog of events to clustered :type t_thresh: float :param t_thresh: Maximum inter-event time threshold in seconds :type d_thresh: float :param d_thresh: Maximum inter-event distance in km :returns: list of :class:`obspy.core.event.Catalog` objects :rtype: list >>> from eqcorrscan.utils.clustering import space_time_cluster >>> from obspy.clients.fdsn import Client >>> from obspy import UTCDateTime >>> client = Client("") >>> starttime = UTCDateTime("2002-01-01") >>> endtime = UTCDateTime("2002-02-01") >>> cat = client.get_events(starttime=starttime, endtime=endtime, ... minmagnitude=6) >>> groups = space_time_cluster(catalog=cat, t_thresh=86400, d_thresh=1000) """ initial_spatial_groups = catalog_cluster( catalog=catalog, thresh=d_thresh, metric="distance", show=False) # Need initial_spatial_groups to be lists at the moment initial_spatial_lists = [] for group in initial_spatial_groups: initial_spatial_lists.append(list(group)) # Check within these groups and throw them out if they are not close in # time. groups = [] for group in initial_spatial_lists: if len(group) > 1: sub_time_cluster = catalog_cluster( catalog=group, thresh=t_thresh, metric="time", show=False) groups.extend(sub_time_cluster) else: groups.append(group) return [Catalog(group) for group in groups]
[docs] def re_thresh_csv(path, old_thresh, new_thresh, chan_thresh): """ Remove detections by changing the threshold. Can only be done to remove detection by increasing threshold, threshold lowering will have no effect. :type path: str :param path: Path to the .csv detection file :type old_thresh: float :param old_thresh: Old threshold MAD multiplier :type new_thresh: float :param new_thresh: New threshold MAD multiplier :type chan_thresh: int :param chan_thresh: Minimum number of channels for a detection :returns: List of detections :rtype: list .. rubric:: Example >>> from eqcorrscan.utils.clustering import re_thresh_csv >>> # Get the path to the test data >>> import eqcorrscan >>> import os >>> TEST_PATH = os.path.dirname(eqcorrscan.__file__) + '/tests/test_data' >>> det_file = os.path.join(TEST_PATH, 'expected_tutorial_detections.txt') >>> detections = re_thresh_csv(path=det_file, old_thresh=8, new_thresh=10, ... chan_thresh=3) >>> print(len(detections)) 17 .. Note:: This is a legacy function, and will read detections from all versions. .. Warning:: Only works if thresholding was done by MAD. """ from eqcorrscan.core.match_filter import read_detections Logger.warning('Legacy function, please use ' 'eqcorrscan.core.match_filter.Party.rethreshold.') old_detections = read_detections(path) old_thresh = float(old_thresh) new_thresh = float(new_thresh) # Be nice, ensure that the thresholds are float detections = [] detections_in = 0 detections_out = 0 for detection in old_detections: detections_in += 1 con1 = (new_thresh / old_thresh) * detection.threshold con2 = detection.no_chans >= chan_thresh required_thresh = (new_thresh / old_thresh) * detection.threshold con3 = abs(detection.detect_val) >= required_thresh if all([con1, con2, con3]): detections_out += 1 detections.append(detection)'Read in %i detections' % detections_in)'Left with %i detections' % detections_out) return detections
if __name__ == "__main__": import doctest doctest.testmod()